The Alptraum Bike Challenge is a 350km self-supported bikepacking race on some of the most beautiful and rugged roads in Tyrol, Austria…


Date: September 15

Time: 6:30 am


Event Website

Organizer: Adrian & Anna Niski



Tirols Sport & VitalPark

Achensee Str. 63
Maurach, Tirol 6212 Austria

Unsupported bikepacking challenge /// 350km X 8.000m from the Fjord of Tirol, Achensee, looping over remote and scenic parts of the alps on gravel and secondary roads.

A dream framed by the beauty of the Alps. About 350 kilometers distance and 8,000 meters of climbing on the most beautiful trails and roads of Tyrol with start and finish at Achensee. You are going to ride “self supported”. That means, all little and big challenges on the way, you have to manage independently and on your own.